Lesson 22

Out Of Light And Into The Darkness

John 8:13-30

In 8:1-12, a woman stepped out of darkness and into light. In 8:13-30, a man steps out of the light and into the darkness.

Have you ever seen a Christian on a talk show? A few years ago, I remember an appearance by Cal Thomas on Phil Donahue. I purposely watched this, excited that an articulate person life him would have an opportunity to give a clear Christian message.

When it was over, I was quite frustrated. He had been ignored, insulted, interrupted, mocked, misunderstood by the audience - though his words were clear and logical. I've pretty much give up on talk shows - our TV isn't on during the day but as I read John 8, I observed the same reaction given to Jesus by the Jews that a Christian would get on a secular talk show.

In the course of this conversation, Jesus is. . .

Contradicted (13)

Insinuation (19)

Misunderstood (22) (27)

Challenged (25)

Insulted and Accused (48)

Sarcasm (53)

Hostile violence (59)

The significance of John 8 is not that it says something new about Jesus (v.25) as much as what it reveals about people.


Man Is In Darkness

Jesus Is the Light, 13-20

Lack of Knowledge - (19), compare that to what Jesus knows (14).

Lack of Understanding - (27), moral darkness, why do they do what they do?

Intellectual Darkness - why do believe what they believe?

Spiritual Darkness - why do they trust what they trust?

Jesus is the light of the world (13). The second "I Am" is mentioned here (1st = Chap. 6, Bread of Life). He does not just have the light, He IS the light. He's not just a light, He's the light of the world. He's not just for a few, but for all.

Antagonism (13-19)

A. Denied his declaration (13-18)

B. Doubted his deity (19)


Man Is Doomed

Jesus Is Life, 21-24

It's tragic to die in a car wreck, bankrupt, or young. But it cannot be compared to what in your sins is like (v.21).

Destination was connected to origin (23).

Destination was determined by faith (24).


Who Are You? (v.25)

Jesus had already been telling them they knew exactly who he claimed to be and ultimately crucified him for saying who he was. Though they heard his worlds they did not understand "Father forgive them" (1 Cor. 2:8).


Who Is Jesus?

Sent from the Father, 26.

Sacrificed on a cross, 28.

Satisfying to the Father, 29.

V.30 give us a glimmering hope as we witness. There were believers in the crowd.

Light ® ® ® ® Life ® ® ® ® Next time Liberty.