Lesson 30

Other Sheep

John 10:16

I suppose that each of us who know the Lord Jesus Christ and read God's word have had moments when suddenly a Bible verse ore passage is seen in a different light. God's word is like a beautifully tooled diamond which when place under a light and turned slightly, reveals more and more of its beauty. Life, with it different experiences, its twists and turns, often moves us, challenges us to look at God's Word in a new light, obtaining new meaning and insight.

I sitting in a service in Manitoba, having just completed a week with the Schmaltz and the folk of the Snow Lake and now participating in the organization of the The Pas Baptist Church in The Pas, Manitoba when one of the preachers referred to John 10:16. I couldn't escape two words that the preacher read from this verse - "other sheep." The words pierced my heart. Other sheep. "Others" was the reason why I was even in Canada to begin with. It was "others" that had kept these two missionaries on the field, in that distinct, different culture away from friends and family. "Others" to a large extent is what the Lord's work is all about.

When I was a kid preacher, I heard another kid preacher bring a message based on an acrostic of the word JOY. His point was that if you want to experience Joy in your life, it will come when you get your life in this order J - Jesus first; O-Others next; Y - You last. Somehow I've never been able to forget that simple sermon which a teenager preached.

It's easy for me to read the Bible and think about the Shepherd and my relationship to Him. The Lord is my shepherd. But what about those other sheep? Do they have knowledge of the Good Shepherd Jesus Christ?

Let us reflect on those two words tonight - "other sheep" - and see if this phrase doesn't reveal many truths worthy of our examination.


Other Sheep Gives Insight Into The Heart Of The Shepherd

As we have learned, John 10 presents Jesus to us as the good shepherd who gives his life for the sheep, v. 11 who knows and cares for His sheep. What a wonderful shepherd we have in Jesus Christ. He has a heart for sheep, for the people of this world. Jesus loves us like no one else has ever loved us. He proved that love on a cross at Calvary. Jesus is not like the hireling who is into it for what he can get out of it. In fact, Satan tried to buy and to bride Jesus away form His divine purpose as the Good Shepherd. Matthew 4:8-9 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and showeth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. But Jesus could not be bribed by the kingdoms of this world and would not be distracted from his divine purpose. And when the wolves of hatred and bitterness and rejection came, the blood-thirsty wolves filled with the spirit of Satan, when they came for Him, He did not run, He did not flee, He did not shrink back but gave Himself on Calvary! That is the heart of a good shepherd. That is one who loves the sheep. That is the one who when we sees the multitudes (Matthew 9:36) "moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd." That is the kind of shepherd that leaves the ninety and nine safely in the fold, to go and search for one lost lamb. He is a shepherd who has on his heart "other sheep."


Other Sheep Says That God's Love Is Inclusive Not Exclusive.

In a sense, Jesus is speaking to His disciples, His original church and He is reminding them of His agenda. He has come to die for the world. Jesus has established His church to reach the world, every creature! Jesus has in mind here, it would seem, the Gentile world. The first church established by Jesus was predominately Jewish but that was soon to change. Though the Jewish people were especially prepared to receive their Messiah, they did not receive Him. "He came unto his own and his own received him not." However, the Gentile people did receive Him and soon the church was predominately Gentile. The mystery of the church, according to Ephesians, is that broke down the barriers between culture and creed and brought them together in one body, with one shepherd and one Spirit! "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." In John 10, Jesus is reminding his disciples not to be exclusive in their ministry but rather inclusive. Remember the "other sheep."

My friend, Joe Mandrino is a missionary in Macau. He is Italian, his wife is Jewish and the Bordergate Baptist Church is made up of people from the Philippines, Macau, Hong Kong, Burma, Korea, Peru and the United States. But they all know the same Savior. They all have experienced the same salvation. They all other in-dwelt by the same Spirit and they all believe the same Bible.

Listen, any church which is exclusive, refusing membership to other cultures, other walks of life with different economic, political or social backgrounds, refusing to receive "other sheep" is not patterned after the New Testament. We have been called and equipped to be a witness to all men, to every creature! Praise God, Jesus was interested in "other sheep" because that included me!


Other Sheep Stands As An Indictment

The disciples of Jesus Christ did not always share the heart of the good shepherd. They resented the Savior when he received children, sat and talked with a Samaritan or kept company with sinners and tax collectors. They were often influenced by their culture and by their flesh to be a respecter of persons. Perhaps they were contented to simply sit at the Master's feet instead of seeking lost sheep. Whatever the hindrance, Jesus reminds them of the great need at hand. There were others who must be sought and brought. The lost sheep will not find its own way home. We must go and seek them out.

There is a real tendency in most churches to be contented with the status quo. As long as the bills are paid and things are comfortable, why bother with "other sheep." After all, these other sheep might not fit in or still worse they might change things! The mind-set that refuses other sheep will eventually kill a church. As a church we must constantly and consistently reach other to bring in other sheep.


Other Sheep Gives Us Encouragement

This is a positive phrase set in a positive verse. The other sheep represent growth. Jesus is telling his disciples that there were yet others who could be reached. Many were rejecting the message but Jesus promised that there would be many more who would receive it.

We must not be negative about our prospects for growth and evangelism! Jesus wasn't. We must go in faith believing that there are other sheep out there who will receive Christ. Yes, the world is crazy with materialism, humanism, paganism and a bunch of other isms. We can easily get discouraged thinking that our work and witness is futile. The truth is that what we have is the only thing that will completely satisfy. We need faith, courage, zeal and love to share Christ with others. If we sow and water, God will give the increase.


Other Sheep Represents An Invitation

I'm glad that I was included in John 10:16. Jesus was thinking about me. He saw a time when I would enter the fold. And I believe that this phrase, "other sheep" includes you. The invitation is extended and the door is open for you to come to Jesus today. This is not a private club with restricted membership. Yes, there are requirements for salvation. You must repent of your sins and trust in Jesus. Yes, there are requirements for church membership. You must be saved, scripturely baptized and genuinely led by the Holy Spirit to this body, but these are requirements are for all. God is no respecter of persons but we must come on His terms. Jesus said in John 6:37 "Him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out."